Sometimes a day will open with a sigh and close with the exhale. Kinda like today. I woke up, was on my way downstairs for some tasty coffee and I had the misfortune of looking out the window and seeing some strange powdery white stuff on the ground. My mind was thinking powdered sugar or cocaine or something when I realized that the people outside not only looked miserable but also cold, very cold. Then, my product-of-Florida-and-D.R.C brain arrived at the conclusion that what I was seeing was neither of the aforementioned things. But in fact, frozen bits of H2O that had come from the sky; or (as most non-science majors call it) snow. I would have given up and gone back to bed right then but my class in really only 80 feet from my front door.... Figured I had to at this point. So I showed up with a doughnut and coffee (much to the envy of everyone). Then I returned to my dorm and went back to sleep thinking of waking at 12:30pm right? Wrong, my stupid, logger-headed, hasty-witted, canker-blossom of a phone decided that it was only going to go off on Sundays......So I woke up at 3:30.... Fully refreshed but behind. Moral of this story: Move to Florida and don't assume the intelligence of your mobile device.
On a slightly more personal and certainly more important note: Congo election results are being announced today. Really hoping there's no violence this time and praying for a smooth transition of power or a secure maintenance of the current leader. It's not really like he's done a bad job, he just has a lot to work with a lot working against him.
AN: I have just been informed that the results have been delayed 24 hours.
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