And so my freshman year of college draws to a close. Time has come and passed, friends have come and gone, grades have risen, fell and risen again, new faces and new places have been scene and passed. In all reality, I can't really put words to how I feel. It's something deep. I've grown but spiritually and physically in the last school year and it's only looking up from here. There has been some hard times, I wont lie. People aren't always who you think they are and you yourself are not always who you think you are. You learn things about yourself when you're presented with situations that you'd never seen. You'd only heard about them in book or movies, or those dark tales that your parents told you when you were small to make you appreciate your curfew or respect their disapproval of your one friend who always smelled funny or how they used to walk you to the door of school. It's both an amazing and terrible thing to be a part of and to witness in others around you. Because you know, that there's always that one person who will have your back and pick you up when you need it most. But with the knowledge gained this year I hold high hopes for the coming school year and for the summer.
Speaking of summer. I've nailed an awesome job at Camp Eagle in Texas for the entire summer. I'm working as a counselor for kids ages 8-16 and a part time worship leader. I'm going to be so busy it's crazy! I'm so excited and can't wait until it all comes together. I start a 3 week staff training course on the 13th of May (mother's day too so be ready!!!) and then we have 10 weeks of campers and one more week until school starts for me in the fall. So that's my summer in a nutshell.
Right now I'm sitting in my aunt and uncle's living room in Pleasant Hill MO. Or, for all practical purposes: Kansas City. I'm spending a week here before camp and chilling with my cousin and some friends who live in the area. Hopefully it will be a good time and I'll get some R&R in before the summer wipes me out. Maybe even go to the mall today?
And this is a video that I've been meaning to put up for a while now. This is me at the start of my senior year of high school getting slapped because I lost a bet. The bet being that it would not rain before Friday that week. The bet was made on a Monday and this video was shot Thursday. It rained Wednesday night.... One of my best friend's: Austin is the honorable man I lost to. Well played Austin, well played.
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